Labels:text | font | screenshot | black and white | paper | number | document OCR: SERVE YOUR HOME BREW ON TAP DRAUGHT BEER SYSTEM Enjoy your favorite homeb Aw "or lap"l No bodies to clean, In sop er to slere. Our 2.2 gelan beer bal wil il inyourfidge crc atil loowo room to yourtocol All bychomc are ava lab o with 2.2 and 5galenbals. Thesearevery similar tothe disposebil9 9997 balstore in many partsal the courtry buttheyirchce the Batch Laccwhich makes them nusobie. They will not upto 35 bis, ci preesJeannesi be usedoverandover, Acked tional balls are available so you can expand yoursystem al a reasonable noct. Wealso have pamphlets and wil be happy to send you lots of cetuled nformaner. Give us 9 call and we wl mail are to you. COMPLETE HOME DRAUGHT SYSTEM: {pclured ar front wwe? 2.2 gal. $224.5) lem 2171 liam 2370 5 gal. $224.60 This is the ullimate system. It includes a filed & lo. OCE tank and mogulenor, a gas 199. 10 5,ich,recapa, a bearballanc Batch Laxch, a dispersing roseand aurevarg hase. The beer canbe sohaaly charged op uro the Crew, cheatychanged will griring sugar. BULB INJECTOR SYSTEM 2.2 gal. 895.50 mn 1 2378 bom 2372 5 gal. 395.50 pnmen and condivers in the bal When lapped, the pressure le maintained wth CO2 so the auer retains its free risse. This ayelem includes a gas top wit oub injector, 16 punman copa, a boer bal and Batch Latch, 10 CC2 bulus we a dispersing hoca. This system can be easily upgraded In the camp cte system a: PARTY PUMP SYSTEM Pictures on lowe oomder 2.2 gol. $64.75 lian 2375 bom 2374 5 gal. $54.75 This system works on the same principle fat must dege thiel you ve 89 st parties werk. The naar Acondihered in the bill and whentapped, gris pumped into the ball lo mariain dispersing pressure. The s our most scenen ical system, but the beer Shouldbe consumed when topped because the air will spot it. The body irsice may last several days aller tapping, but is qually wil dimrish ooch dey. This system Include a parte pump, 10 puncture caps, a paar bal ard Batch LEich. - Order by phone, FAX or use the enclosed order form! Your satisfaction la guaranteed, or we will refund your money! · Remember to use Item numbers for faster more accurate service! ARMPLEX & U.S.A. (612)522-0500 13